ts4 bucket list
Random /18
- Own a restaurant
- Own a retail store
- Play with the bees
- Play through all 4 seasons
- Visit Granite Falls
- Visit Sixam
- Visit all of the hidden lots
- Own a dog
- Own a cat
- Own a small pet
- Have puppies
- Have an alien baby via abduction
- Marry an alien
- Have a baby with Father Winter
- Befriend , marry the Grim Reaper
- Befriend Flower Bunny
- Befriend Patchy
- Become a vampire
- Divorce
- Have power cut off for not paying the bills
- Live in a hovel with all bad traits
- have enemies with benefits relationship
- and complicated relationship
Careers Maxed /22
- Astronaut (Space ranger – Interstellar smuggler)
- Athlete (Pro athlete – Bodybuilder)
- Business (Management – Investor)
- Criminal (Boss – Oracle)
- Critic (Arts – Food)
- Culinary (Chef – Mixologist)
- Film careers
- Detective
- Doctor
- Entertainer (Musician – Comedian)
- Gardener (Botanist – Floral designer)
- Painter (Master of the real – Patron of the arts)
- Politician (Politician – Charity organiser)
- Scientist
- Social Media (Internet personality – Public relations)
- Secret Agent (Diamond agent – Villain)
- Tech Guru (eSport Gamer – Start up entrepreneur)
- Writer (Author – Journalist)
- Babysitter
- Barista
- Fast Food
- Manual Laborer
- Retail
Skills Maxed /35
- Archaeology
- Baking
- Bowling
Charisma- Comedy
- Cooking
- Dancing
- DJ
- Fishing
- Fitness
- Flower Arranging
- Gardening
- Gourmet Cooking
- Guitar
- Handiness
- Herbalism
- Logic
- Mischief
- Mixology
- Painting
- Parenting
- Pet Training
- Photography
- Piano
- Pipe Organ
- Programming
- Rocket Science
- Selvadoradian Culture
- Singing
- Vampire Lore
- Veterinarian
- Video Gaming
- Violin
- Wellness
- Writing
Aspirations /38
- Friend of the Animals
- Bodybuilder
- Bestselling Author
- Musical Genius
- Painter Extraordinaire
- Chief of Mischief
- Public Enemy
- Big Happy Family
- Super Parent
- Successful Lineage
- Vampire Family
- Grilled Cheese
- Master Chef
- Master Mixologist
- Fabulously Wealthy
- Mansion Baron
- Computer Whiz
- Master Vampire
- Archaeology Scholar
- Nerd Brain
- Renaissance Sim
- City Native
- Serial Romantic
- Soulmate
- Angling Ace
- Freelance Botanist
- Outdoor Enthusiast
- The Curator
- Jungle Explorer
- Friend of the World
- Good Vampire
- Joke Star
- Leader of the Pack
- Party Animal
- Artistic Prodigy
- Rambunctious Scamp
- Social Butterfly
- Whiz Kid
Collections Completed /24
- Aliens
- Crystals
- Elements
- Fish
- Fossils
- Frogs
- Plants
- Trees
- Bushes
- Metals
- Microscope Prints
- MySims Trophies
- Postcards
- Space Prints
- Space Rocks
- Insects
- Geodes
- Experimental Food Prints
- Voidcritters
- Snowglobes
- City Posters
- Feathers
- Ancient Omiscan Artefacts
- Omiscan Treasures
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