sims 4 bucket list

ts4 bucket list
Random /18
  1. Own a restaurant
  2. Own a retail store
  3. Play with the bees
  4. Play through all 4 seasons  
  5. Visit Granite Falls
  6. Visit Sixam
  7. Visit all of the hidden lots
  8. Own a dog
  9. Own a cat
  10. Own a small pet
  11. Have puppies
  12. Have an alien baby via abduction
  13. Marry an alien 
  14. Have a baby with Father Winter 
  15. Befriend , marry the Grim Reaper
  16. Befriend Flower Bunny 
  17. Befriend Patchy
  18. Become a vampire
  19. Divorce
  20. Have power cut off for not paying the bills
  21. Live in a hovel with all bad traits 
  22. have enemies with benefits relationship 
  23. and complicated relationship
Careers Maxed /22
  1. Astronaut (Space ranger – Interstellar smuggler)
  2. Athlete (Pro athlete – Bodybuilder)
  3. Business (Management – Investor)
  4. Criminal (Boss – Oracle)
  5. Critic (Arts – Food)
  6. Culinary (Chef – Mixologist)
  7. Film careers
  8. Detective
  9. Doctor
  10. Entertainer (Musician – Comedian)
  11. Gardener (Botanist – Floral designer)
  12. Painter (Master of the real – Patron of the arts)
  13. Politician (Politician – Charity organiser)
  14. Scientist
  15. Social Media (Internet personality – Public relations)
  16. Secret Agent (Diamond agent – Villain)
  17. Tech Guru (eSport Gamer – Start up entrepreneur)
  18. Writer (Author – Journalist)
  19. Babysitter
  20. Barista
  21. Fast Food
  22. Manual Laborer
  23. Retail
Skills Maxed /35
  1. Archaeology 
  2. Baking
  3. Bowling
  4. Charisma
  5. Comedy
  6. Cooking
  7. Dancing
  8. DJ
  9. Fishing
  10. Fitness
  11. Flower Arranging
  12. Gardening
  13. Gourmet Cooking
  14. Guitar
  15. Handiness
  16. Herbalism
  17. Logic
  18. Mischief
  19. Mixology
  20. Painting
  21. Parenting
  22. Pet Training
  23. Photography
  24. Piano
  25. Pipe Organ
  26. Programming
  27. Rocket Science
  28. Selvadoradian Culture  
  29. Singing
  30. Vampire Lore
  31. Veterinarian
  32. Video Gaming
  33. Violin
  34. Wellness
  35. Writing
Aspirations /38
  1. Friend of the Animals
  2. Bodybuilder
  3. Bestselling Author
  4. Musical Genius
  5. Painter Extraordinaire
  6. Chief of Mischief
  7. Public Enemy
  8. Big Happy Family
  9. Super Parent
  10. Successful Lineage
  11. Vampire Family
  12. Grilled Cheese
  13. Master Chef
  14. Master Mixologist
  15. Fabulously Wealthy
  16. Mansion Baron
  17. Computer Whiz
  18. Master Vampire
  19. Archaeology Scholar  
  20. Nerd Brain
  21. Renaissance Sim
  22. City Native
  23. Serial Romantic
  24. Soulmate
  25. Angling Ace
  26. Freelance Botanist
  27. Outdoor Enthusiast
  28. The Curator
  29. Jungle Explorer 
  30. Friend of the World
  31. Good Vampire
  32. Joke Star
  33. Leader of the Pack
  34. Party Animal
  35. Artistic Prodigy
  36. Rambunctious Scamp
  37. Social Butterfly
  38. Whiz Kid
Collections Completed /24
  1. Aliens
  2. Crystals
  3. Elements
  4. Fish
  5. Fossils
  6. Frogs
  7. Plants 
  8. Trees
  9. Bushes
  10. Metals
  11. Microscope Prints
  12. MySims Trophies
  13. Postcards
  14. Space Prints
  15. Space Rocks
  16. Insects
  17. Geodes
  18. Experimental Food Prints
  19. Voidcritters
  20. Snowglobes
  21. City Posters
  22. Feathers
  23. Ancient Omiscan Artefacts  
  24. Omiscan Treasures 

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